Getting Started

Introducing Sanity4J to Projects

Sanity4J is Open Source Software licensed under the GNU General Public License.

In order to use Sanity4J:

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  1. Download Sanity4J from GitHub.
  2. Familiarise yourself with the Sanity4J configuration and usage documentation.
  3. Configure Sanity4J to integrate into your Project Builds.
  4. Share reports and analysis information within your organisation using your existing project wikis or Intranet sites.
  5. Support for Sanity4J is provided via the GitHub Issues tracker.

Introducing Sanity4J to Developers

As well as providing feedback after automated builds, Sanity4J includes a plug-in for the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment. This allows developers to quickly analyse individual Java classes.

By using the plug-in as they write code, junior developers can find and fix mistakes before peer review. This frees up senior developers from fixing simple "Java 101" mistakes made by junior staff, allowing them to focus on implementation accuracy.